Understanding CCUS: How it works & why it matters

Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is a critical technological method aimed at mitigating the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on our planet.

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1. What is Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage (CCUS)?

Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is a critical technological method aimed at mitigating the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on our planet. It is a three-fold process that involves the capture of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from various sources such as power plants and industrial processes, the utilisation of this captured carbon for various purposes such as the production of chemicals, fuels, and building materials or alternatively the permanent storage of the CO₂ deep underground in geological formations. This process helps prevent large quantities of CO₂ from being released into the atmosphere, thereby playing a significant role in addressing climate change.

2. History of Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage (CCUS)?

The history of Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) can be traced back to the mid-20th century, with initial studies focused on the potential for capturing CO₂ emissions from fossil fuel sources. However, it was not until the late 1970s and early 1980s that the first large-scale CCUS projects began to take shape. The most prominent among these was the Sleipner field project in Norway, which started in 1996 and is operated by Equinor. Equinor has been injecting CO₂ into the Utsira formation in the North Sea, making it the first commercial-scale CCUS project. Around the same time, another significant project was the Weyburn-Midale field in Canada, which used captured CO₂ for enhanced oil recovery, illustrating the 'utilization' aspect of CCUS. These pioneering projects set the groundwork for the development and implementation of CCUS technologies around the globe. In the years following the initial projects, the scale and reach of CCUS technologies have expanded significantly. In the early 2000s, several countries including the United States, Canada, and Australia launched ambitious CCUS programs. The United States, in particular, made significant advancements with the implementation of the Clean Coal Power Initiative and later the FutureGen project. However, FutureGen was ultimately cancelled due to cost overruns and technical challenges.

The most recent major development in the CCUS landscape is the large-scale commercial use of captured CO₂ for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the United States. This has been driven by a combination of technological advancements and economic incentives, including tax credits for CO₂-EOR operations. Today, the deployment of CCUS technologies is more crucial than ever given the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Governments and industry around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of CCUS in achieving net-zero emission targets. This recognition is reflected in the growing number of policies supporting CCUS and the increasing investment in CCUS research and development. As a result, we are witnessing a new wave of innovation and deployment of CCUS technologies across a range of sectors and regions.


Rising number of CCUS projects

In the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of operational CCUS projects worldwide. These projects are highly diverse, spanning industries from power generation to cement production, and widely distributed geographically, from North America to Asia. One such noteworthy project is the Petra Nova facility in Texas, which is the world's largest post-combustion carbon capture system installed on a coal-fired power plant. Meanwhile, in Europe, the Northern Lights project in Norway represents a major advancement in the transport and storage sector. This project is designed to store CO₂ captured from industrial facilities across Europe in a reservoir beneath the North Sea. In addition to these operational projects, several new CCUS facilities are in the pipeline. For example, the Net Zero Teesside and Zero Carbon Humber projects in the UK aim to create the world's first zero-carbon industrial clusters. Although the growth in CCUS deployment is encouraging, much more needs to be done to meet global emission reduction goals. To accelerate the pace of CCUS deployment further, governments and industry must continue to support research and investment into these technologies and create an enabling policy framework for their uptake. This will ensure that CCUS remains a key component of the global effort to reduce emissions

3. How Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) works.

Carbon capture is the cornerstone of the CCUS process and it relies on innovative engineering and advanced chemistry. The process begins at power plants and industries that release carbon dioxide (CO₂) as a part of their operations. In these facilities, a solvent or membrane is employed to absorb the CO₂ from the exhaust gases, a process known as flue gas desulfurization. This "scrubbing" action separates the carbon dioxide from the other gases. The solvent or membrane containing CO₂ is then subjected to heat. This heating process results in the release of concentrated CO₂ from the solvent. The captured CO₂ is then ready for the next stage of the process – transportation to a storage site or a place where it can be utilized. While the capture process may seem straightforward, it involves rigorous optimization to maximize efficiency, minimize energy loss, and ensure a safe working environment. The continuous advancements in technology are making this process more efficient and cost-effective, paving the way for a sustainable future.

Utilisation of captured carbon

After carbon capture, the next step is the utilisation of the captured carbon dioxide, named Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU). Presently, the most widespread application of captured CO₂ still is Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), where it is injected into oil reservoirs to optimize oil production. Additionally, CO₂ is used in the food and beverage industry, for instance, in the carbonation of drinks and the preservation of packaged food. It's also employed in the medical field for certain anesthesia procedures, and in the agriculture sector for accelerated plant growth in greenhouses. Also, a notable form of CO₂ application is the creation of dry ice. Dry ice, or solid CO₂, is primarily used for cooling purposes during shipping, especially for goods that need to be kept frozen or cold, such as pharmaceuticals and food. It's also applied in the cleaning industry, where it's used for blasting or cleaning surfaces. Besides the existing application of CO₂ many research and development efforts are paving the way for different new innovative uses of captured CO₂. One promising avenue is the conversion of CO₂ into valuable products such as plastics, concrete, and even fuels, which could significantly reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Another exciting area of research is using CO₂ to produce algae-based biofuels. Scientists are also exploring the potential of CO₂-based fertilizers to promote plant growth. These future utilisation cases not only present opportunities for greenhouse gas reduction but also stimulate economic growth by creating new industries around captured carbon. The full potential of CO₂ utilisation is yet to be unlocked, propelling us towards a more sustainable and carbon-neutral future.

Storage of unused carbon

Storing captured carbon dioxide (CO₂), that can't be used for commercial reasons, is a crucial aspect of our fight against climate change. This process, known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), takes captured CO₂ emissions and stores it safely underground, preventing it from being released into the atmosphere. To do so, the captured CO₂ is compressed and transported via pipelines, by ship or by truck to the storage site where it is injected deep underground into geological formations, typically depleted oil and gas fields or deep saline aquifer formations. These natural geological barriers ensure that the CO₂ remains securely trapped. Storing CO₂ in this manner not only helps in reducing our carbon footprint but also paves the way for a more sustainable future. It's a practical solution that, combined with transitioning to renewable energy sources, can contribute significantly towards mitigating the detrimental effects of climate change.

4. Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and the Net-Zero Target.

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) plays a pivotal role in achieving net- zero carbon emissions, especially when we consider the world's current energy demands. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), CCUS could contribute to reducing global CO₂ emissions by nearly 20% (around 37 GtCO₂ per year until 2050) while cutting the cost of tackling climate change by approximately 70%. Furthermore, the Global CCS Institute states that CCUS, along with other low carbon technologies, can help reduce CO₂ emissions in industrial sectors by up to 90% by 2050. Considering these figures, it is clear that CCUS is an essential tool in our arsenal to reach net-zero targets and combat climate change. However, it's important to recognize that CCUS is just one piece of the larger net- zero puzzle. Achieving net-zero will require a multi-faceted approach that also includes transitioning to renewable sources of energy like wind, solar, and hydro, promoting energy efficiency and conservation, and adopting sustainable practices in agriculture, forestry, and other land use. This comprehensive strategy will ensure we keep global temperatures from rising above the critical 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold, safeguarding our planet for future generations. Challenges in using CCUS for net-zero target While the potential of CCUS is undeniable, its implementation is not without challenges. Currently, one of the foremost obstacles is the high cost associated with high capacity carbon capture technologies. Combined with the lack of comprehensive legal and regulatory CO₂ taxes (or rewarding systems) it's still unattactive for many industries from a return-on-investment (ROI) perspective, especially for developing countries that are major contributors to global CO₂ emissions. Additionally, public acceptance of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an issue, given concerns over potential leaks and associated environmental risks. Despite these hurdles, there are positive developments on the horizon that could accelerate the implementation of CCUS. Technological advancements like high efficient solvents or new membrane solutions are reducing the costs associated with carbon capture processes. Governments worldwide are recognizing the necessity of CCUS in achieving their climate goals and are starting to establish supportive policies combindes with increased CO₂ taxes. For instance, the United States' 45Q tax credit for carbon capture, utilization, and storage is a step in the right direction. Furthermore, international collaboration, such as the launch of the "Global CCUS Initiative" by the Clean Energy Ministerial, indicates increased global commitment to this vital technology.

5. Conclusion

Tóm lại, Thu hồi, Sử dụng và Lưu trữ Carbon (CCUS) là một công nghệ quan trọng cho hành trình khử cacbon của chúng tôi, bất chấp những thách thức mà nó hiện phải đối mặt như chi phí cao, sự phức tạp về quy định và các vấn đề chấp nhận của công chúng. Tuy nhiên, bối cảnh đang thay đổi tích cực, với những tiến bộ trong công nghệ giúp giảm chi phí, các chính sách hỗ trợ của chính phủ như tín dụng thuế 45Q của Hoa Kỳ hoặc thuế phạt carbon của EU sắp có hiệu lực. Trong bối cảnh này, điều cần thiết là các công ty nổi tiếng về lượng khí thải CO₂ phải theo dõi chặt chẽ các xu hướng CCUS và phát triển các chiến lược để tận dụng tiềm năng của nó. Hơn nữa, các công ty nên hỗ trợ sự tham gia tích cực vào các sáng kiến toàn cầu như “Sáng kiến CCUS toàn cầu” của Bộ trưởng Năng lượng sạch. Trong tương lai, Cơ quan Năng lượng Quốc tế (IEA) dự đoán rằng đến năm 2050, các chiến lược CCUS có thể cung cấp 20% mức giảm phát thải tích lũy cần thiết để hạn chế sự nóng lên toàn cầu ở mức dưới 2°C. Điều này ngụ ý việc triển khai CCUS sẽ tăng gấp 20 lần so với mức độ hiện nay, làm nổi bật tiềm năng biến đổi của công nghệ này. Do đó, việc liên tục đổi mới, hỗ trợ chính sách và hợp tác quốc tế là rất quan trọng để khai thác triệt để lợi ích của CCUS và đạt được các mục tiêu về khí hậu của chúng ta.

(Credit: Anne Nygård /Bapt)

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